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Your Braces-Safe Summer Snack Checklist

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 12:37 pm
A woman eating a slice of watermelon.

Summertime is here, which means there’s no shortage of delicious seasonal treats available to indulge in. But not so fast! If you’ve got braces, there may be some snacks you’ll have to skip to protect your wires and brackets from damage. If you’re ready to chow down this summer, take a moment to familiarize yourself with what you should (and should not) be eating.


Clear Talk: Will Invisalign Affect Your Speech?

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 8:34 pm
Patient with Invisalign talking with a friend

Invisalign has truly revolutionized orthodontic treatment with its clear, removable aligners, making it a popular choice for millions of patients. They’re unmatched in their ability to stay discreet while straightening your teeth. However, there are some quirks! For example, many patients report trouble speaking while wearing their aligners. But why is that? Continue reading to see how Invisalign might affect the way you talk and what you can do to adjust quickly.


How Can I Make Wearing Braces at Work More Convenient?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 8:53 pm
Model teeth wearing braces

While people often associate braces with teenagers, many people receive them as adults. If you’re a working adult undergoing orthodontic treatment, it’s important to take measures so you can comply with your orthodontist’s instructions while on the job. Here are a few tips for taking care of your teeth and braces at work so you can achieve the best possible results from your treatment.


The Straight Path to Wellness: How Orthodontics Help Oral Health

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 4:28 pm
Patient getting a checkup at their orthodontics appointment

Sure, a healthy smile looks fantastic, but the real benefits are just beneath the surface. Most patients don’t think about it, but orthodontic treatment goes way beyond straightening teeth. It can also address underlying oral problems, improving the function of your whole mouth! Read on to explore how traditional orthodontics can play a role in promoting total oral wellness.


Interesting, Unexpected, and Little-Known Facts About Braces

February 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 3:11 pm
person with braces smiling

Braces are well-known for straightening teeth, closing gaps, and improving the look of smiles. In the United States, over four million people wear them, with 25% of those braces-wearers being adults. While many people know about their main purpose, there are interesting facts about braces that often go unnoticed. Keep reading as we explore some of these lesser-known facts about this beneficial orthodontic treatment!


Keep Calm and Brace On: Tips for Orthodontic Emergency Prevention

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 5:44 pm
Woman at the orthodontist for an orthodontic emergency

Orthodontic treatments, while awesome and transformative, can sometimes bring unexpected challenges. From a loose bracket to a poking wire, an orthodontic emergency can happen at any moment. The good news is that with a few proactive measures, you can reduce the risk of these situations. Here are some tips to keep calm and protect yourself while dealing with orthodontic emergencies.


When Braces Break: What You Can Do to Get the Help You Need

December 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 7:50 pm
broken braces

You’re going along about your business, enjoying lunch with friends when you suddenly find yourself dealing with broken braces. This can often cause many patients to panic; however, although it might seem unnerving, there are ways to address the issue immediately to avoid further damage to your smile. Keep reading to find out what you can do at home (or at school) to minimize the issue while waiting to see your orthodontist for additional help.


Ho Ho Hold Your Alignment! Here’s How to Celebrate the Holidays with Invisalign

November 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 3:24 pm
A woman in a holiday sweater smiling with her Invisalign aligner

The weather outside may be frightful, but your smile can still be delightful! If you’re using Invisalign, maintaining your treatment plan amidst the holiday hustle can be a challenge. But fear not winter’s chill! There are several ways you can still enjoy the festivities while keeping your treatment on-track.

If you want an easy-to-follow holiday checklist, continue reading. You’ll find helpful tips for keeping your alignment in check without skimping on the holiday cheer.


Who Can Benefit From Phase 1 Orthodontics?

August 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 9:49 am
Small child with braces

Most people have an idea in their heads about when they’re supposed to get braces—i.e., sometime in their teens. However, as any orthodontist will tell you, this is far from the actual truth of the matter. In reality, people of all ages may benefit from braces in certain circumstances.

Most people are vaguely aware that adults can get braces, but parents are often surprised to learn that young children may occasionally benefit from them as well. So-called “phase 1 orthodontics” may be able to make a massive difference in young children’s self-esteem and long-term oral health.


What Should I Do If My Invisalign Aligners Don’t Fit Properly?

May 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 6:56 pm
person wearing traditional braces

Invisalign clear aligners are known for their subtlety, flexibility, and quicker results. They’re also known to be crafted using specialized technology and materials so that they fit comfortably when put into place. If this is true, then you may be asking, “Why is my aligner not fitting properly?” In cases such as these, it’s important that you speak with your orthodontist right away so that you can avoid a serious delay in your treatment. Find out what you should do to ensure that you do not experience worsening discomfort and instead, maintain greater comfort while keeping your smile on track.  

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